Dependency Management Got Awesome CommonJS and AMD Compliant dependency loader for modern web apps

Inject 0.6.1 Available

31 January 2014 • By: Jakob Heuser

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0.6.0 and 0.6.1 mark a significant milestone for users who were depending on Inject for older browser support. We have dropped IE6/7 support (easyXDM) and have convered over fully to using window.postMessage for cross domain communication. To continue to use cross domain functionality, we recommend using a standalone install of easyXDM. More details are in the Backwards Compatibility section below.

Backwards Compatibility Concerns

The removal of easyXDM means that to continue using Inject in IE7/8, we recommend a standalone install of easyXDM. This allows the developer to maintain this dependency independent of the Inject code base; a high priority due to the inherinently insecure nature of Flash in the browser. To continue to use easyXDM as a standalone tool, you can implement a Fetch Rule, which will use easyXDM as the transporter via their CORS implementation, as opposed to using the postMessage functionality in modern browser.

A complete example is available on the Inject Cross Domain HowTo doc page.

For most users, this won’t be a concern, but we didn’t want to release this change without a working example for people to draw from.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where postMessage listeners were not triggering correctly when loading the remote iframe
  • Supports calling the AMD define with no baseURL defined (and no dependencies)
  • AMD normalize functionality now strictly adhears to the test when enabling AMD plugins
  • AMD inline define calls on a base HTML page wait for all define before triggering a dependency download

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