Dependency Management Got Awesome CommonJS and AMD Compliant dependency loader for modern web apps

Using Inject With Your Favorite Library


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Many libraries can be “shimmed” to work with Inject, even if they don’t support a CommonJS or AMD system. These are uses of Inject.addRule to change the code within the scope of Inject, while leaving the default library unaltered.

We’re always up for adding more recepies for peoples’ favorite libraries.


In jQuery, we modify the code to assign jQuery.noConflict() into module.exports.

Inject.addContentRule(/jquery-1\.7\.js/, function(next, text) {
  next(null, [
    'var oldJQ = window.jQuery;',
    'delete window["jQuery"];',
    'window.jQuery = oldJQ;',

In a multi-jQuery environment, the most recently loaded jQuery will occupy the global “jquery” module ID. This is because jQuery is a special named module.

jQuery UI

jQuery UI the newest versions of jQuery UI come pre-configured as a single file. We recommend hitting up the jquery UI custom download page to get your single-file version. The only requirement, is we need to say there’s a dependency on jQuery

// First, let's route the "jquery.ui" module to a URL we can manage
Inject.addFileRule(/jquery\.ui/, function(path) {
  return 'jquery/ui/your-jquery-custom.min.js';

// Second, let's add a content rule for the jQuery UI file
// this makes jquery a dependency for jQuery UI
Inject.addContentRule(/your-jquery-custom\.min\.js/, function(next, text) {
  next(null, [
    'if (!jQuery) var $ = jQuery = require(\'jquery\');',

// remember to also shim jQuery like above in the jQuery example
Inject.addContentRule(/jquery-1\.7\.js/, function(next, text) {
  next(null, [
    'var oldJQ = window.jQuery;',
    'delete window["jQuery"];',
    'window.jQuery = oldJQ;',


Modernizr requires the existence of a document object. Since it traditionally runs in the window scope, we need to inform it about this.document and associate it with the window.document object. We can then assign exports and clean up the window object as required.

Inject.addContentRule(/modernizr/i, function(next, text) {
  next(null, [
    'this.document = window.document;',
    'delete this["document"]',
    'delete window["Modernizr"];'
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