Dependency Management Got Awesome CommonJS and AMD Compliant dependency loader for modern web apps



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Inject.plugin(name, ruleSet, functions?);

The plugin interface is the primary way to add custom transpiler functionality to Inject. For example, a plugin can be written to convert a CSS file into a JavaScript object with methods and properties that make it behave more like JavaScript and less like plain text. Some samples of how plugins may be used:

  • converting CSS into an object that can be require()ed
  • converting Dust templates into their executable JS equivalent
  • loading JSON into a local variable

Defining a Plugin

Plugins are defined using Inject.plugin and are given at the very least a name and a ruleSet. The ruleSet is identical to an Inject.addrule rule, except the options.matches is inferred by the name parameter. All plugins match the syntax:


The name! is the plugin keyword, where “name” matches the name parameter from the plugin call. In fact, you can accomplish 99% of the plugin command using addRule. However, using plugin is a clear indicator to other developers that you intend for your code to be modular and used in multiple scenarios.

The 3rd Param: Functions

The third parameter functions is an object literal. All items found in this object are copied over to Inject.plugins[name]. This allows custom functionality from within a pointcut to access global functionality. The CSS Plugin is a great example of making global functions available in order to create CSS “objects” which can then be returned as exports.

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